CAE Ares
Emergency Care Manikin
CAE Ares is CAE Healthcare’s newest mid-fidelity manikin, designed to fulfill the requirements for Advanced Life Support (ALS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and emergency care team training within academic programs, hospitals, and emergency care services. Ares is portable, lightweight and durable, with the right mix of features for life-saving simulation training. Backed by CAE’s dedicated customer service team and Academy of expert educators, Ares embodies the exceptional quality and support you expect from CAE.
- Spontaneous Breathing - Ares demonstrates spontaneous breathing with bilateral chest rise and fall, offering better realism for life-saving learning
- Validated Performance Metrics - The Maestro software captures learners’ CPR performance metrics for debrief, including rate and depth of compression, chest recoil, compression fractions, ventilations and ventilation: compression ratio
- Manual Operation Or Modeled Physiology - The CAE Maestro software allows you to easily select manual operation or CAE’s modeled physiology, which responds automatically to treatments and interventions
- Ultrasound-Guided Iv/Picc Line Training - Practice ultrasound-guided peripheral IV/PICC cannulation and infusion with our optional CAE Blue Phantom training model insert for Ares’ left arm
- Two Adult Patients. One Manikin. - Fully converts to a female with chest skin, genitalia and wig kit included, saving cost and space
- Symeyes - CAE SymEyes display patient conditions in the Ares’ sclera, pupils and eyelids, including jaundice, hemorrhage, bloodshot sclera, keyhole pupils, ptosis or droopy eyelids and cataract